InServ Achieved a Recordable Free Year

Integrated Service Company (InServ) has worked diligently to make sure all employees work safely and are given the proper training and support needed to accomplish our goal of establishing a safety culture where everyone goes home unharmed at the end of their day. In 2020, InServ achieved a Recordable Free Year.

This success is based on communications, leadership, and each employee setting examples of safe work practices. The everyday commitment of management and each individual employee is the driving force to establishing, and maintaining a safe work environment.

Also, contributing to our success are the customers of InServ who utilize the services of our Business Units-Field Services, Manufacturing Services, Tank Services, Tank Inspection & Consulting Services, Scaffolding & Insulation Services, Great Sothern Technologies and Construction & Turnaround Services (CTS). Without the commitment and support our customers, it would be challenging for InServ to take some of the measures we feel necessary to promote and support our safety culture. InServ appreciates and acknowledges the valued support of our customers.

The 2020 Recordable Free Year did not happen by luck, and our continued success will not be the results of luck, but the ongoing support by all involved. InServ is eager to continue the outreach of our safety culture into more locations with more customers in order to make our safe work practices reach industry-wide.